Rev 22:1 And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the 5throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. ~~~ Live in the USA? Get a free Bible and free Christian books
After seeing the gorgeous moon just before 10:45 on Friday, I decided I would schedule some late night outdoor time just to capture the moon. So I went out at 10:45 last night. No moon! I called my husband and told him that somehow I had lost the moon. He couldn't see it either. Then I remembered, just as the sunrise time changes from day to day, so does the moon rise. I found a calculator to help me for next time. I stuck it out and waited. Around 11:45 signs were beginning to appear.
And details were beginning to show as the moon rose above the tree line.
She did not disappoint. A waning gibbous 77% illuminated.
~ Robin
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